Ph.D The Ohio State University (Germanic Languages and Literatures)
M.A. The Ohio State University (German Literature)
M.A. New York University (French Literature)
B.A. Hillsdale College (French, German), 2010
Courses Taught at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH:
Individualized Instruction – 2018-19; 2019-20; 2020-21
Max Kade Dissertation Fellow 2017-18
Individualized Instruction – SP16, AU16
German 1103 – SP15
German 1102 – AU15, AU14, SU14, SP14, AU13
German 6101 – SU15
German 102 – SP12
German 101 – Wi12, AU11
Research Interests:
Pilgrimage in Contemporary Literature
Ethics and Aesthetics
Post-1945 Travel Literature
Theories of Space and Memory
Conferences, Presentations, and Seminars:
2/15 “Bodies of Betrayal and Bodies of Devotion: Colonialism and Revolution in Anna Seghers and Heiner Müller” (Germanic Graduate Student Association Conference, The Ohio State University)
3/14 “The Traveler’s Tale: W.G. Sebald’s Writing Travelers and the Modern Ecological Crisis” (Germanic Graduate Student Association Conference, The Ohio State University)
3/17 “Between Community and Individualism: Richard Burton’s Role-Play in Der Weltensammler” (NeMLA, Baltimore, MD)
7/17 Participant in Notre Dame Berlin Seminar: German Literary Institutions - Der Literaturbetrieb
University Service at Ohio State:
2016 - 2017 Graduate Student Representative to the Departmental Committee
2015 – 2016 President of the Germanic Graduate Student Association
2014 – 2014 Vice-President of the Germanic Graduate Student Association
2013 – 2014 Graduate Representative to the Scheduling Committee
2019 - current Lecturer, The Ohio State University
2010 – 2019 Graduate Teaching Associate, The Ohio State University
2012 – 2013 Research Assistant, Technical University Dresden, Dresden, Germany