Versatile Ph.D.

The Graduate School has purchased a subscription to the Versatile Ph.D., a web-based resource that helps graduate students explore how to pursue non-academic career options. You must access this resource through Ohio State’s authentication page, which will lead you to an internal Graduate School webpage. To start this process, go to The Versatile PhD Website where you will be prompted to authenticate that you are a member of the Ohio State graduate community.

History of The Versatile Ph.D.

Founded by Paula Chambers, a Ph.D. alum in English from Ohio State, The Versatile Ph.D. is a web-based resource that provides a confidential community for graduate students to network and to explore resources relevant to this type of career exploration. The key concept is versatility: the ability to apply skills and interests in a wide variety of careers, so that Ph.Ds. have options both in and out of academe.