Herzliche Grüße!
The German Club welcomes new members at all levels of German and all students with an interest in German culture, food and people.
There is plenty of activity during the semester, For example, Restaurantbesuche take place. You'll find more info about our German Club-sponsored regular meet-ups, Stammtisch & Kaffeeklatsch, below.
Follow us on social media and join the GroupMe if you haven't already!
If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to contact us at @osu_germanclub or osu.germanclub@gmail.com
Stammtisch & Kaffeeklatsch -- AU and SP semesters

Stammtisch takes place Mondays, during AU & SP semesters, from 5:30-6:30, in Hagerty Hall 488. Stop by to talk auf Deutsch, improve your conversational skills, and make new friends!
The Max Kade German House is at 141 West 11th Avenue on the OSU main campus. This is where Kaffeeklatsch takes place from 4:30-5:30 on Fridays during AU & SP semesters.

[1] umgangssprachlich, scherzhaft: gemütliche Gesprächsrunde, bei der meist Kaffee getrunken und Kuchen gegessen wird.
Join us for snacks, refreshments, and German-language chatter!
Faculty Advisor: Barbara Heck, 415 Hagerty Hall