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Double your Major, Double your Value

It is essential that you make the most of your time at The Ohio State. To this end, we recommend that you strongly consider double majoring. Double majors are stronger earners, more innovative, and are great networkers. Today’s students often combine majors and minors with a second (or even third) major or minor. Students from many different departments are continuing their study of German beyond the required GEC courses. 

Students in German also major or minor in subjects as varied as Arabic, Architecture, Art History, Biology, Biomedical Science, Business, Communications, Comparative Studies, Computer Systems, Engineering, English, Exercise Science, Forestry Fisheries & Wildlife, Hospitality Management, International Studies, Italian, Japanese, Linguistics, Logistics, Microbiology, Molecular Genetics, Nursing, Nutrition, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Russian, Spanish and Textiles.   If you are interested in examples of how to fast-track a double major, check out the sample double major plans below. Learn more about career opportunities in which you can use your language by visiting the Center for Languages, Literatures, and Cultures’ Career page

To discuss how a major in German could complement your studies, set up an advising appointment at 614-292-8485.