Textbook Ordering

1) Instructors should place their own textbook orders on-line. According to the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), deadlines for ordering textbooks are:

for Summer:  by April 1
for Autumn:  by May 1
for Spring:    by October 1

2) In practice, if teaching assignments for individual instructors are not confirmed by the established deadlines, instructors should submit as soon as possible following receipt of a confirmed assignment. GTA exception: the book order for sections of German 1101.xx, 1102.xx, and 1103.xx will be submitted by the department.

3) The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures does not endorse a particular bookstore. Orders may be placed through Barnes & Noble - The Ohio State University Bookstore.

Assistance:  Please direct textbook order questions and questions regarding desk copies to Brad Clucus, Textbook Manager, Barnes & Noble-The Ohio State Bookstore, Store #218, Tel: 614-607-6543

Message from Barnes & Noble The Ohio State Bookstore 
  As of Monday May 24th, 2021, Faculty Enlight is no longer in operational, the bookstore is in transition to a new adoption portal.  
  Adoption & Insights Portal (AIP) will be our new ordering platform and the University is making the last updates and should be ready soon. 

Update: April 2022

Introducing the Adoption & Insights Portal (AIP).

AIP was developed by Barnes & Noble College to solve challenges faced by faculty in the areas of discovering, selecting, and monitoring course material adoptions. Powered by Ohio State’s Student Information System (SIS), AIP delivers a highly personalized, streamlined, action-oriented user experience for faculty. With AIP, faculty can easily manage and submit course material adoptions each term. https://aip.bncollege.com/app/