Fischer Edits Special Issue: Transcultural Literary Studies

January 25, 2017

Fischer Edits Special Issue: Transcultural Literary Studies

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Bernd Fischer, professor, Germanic Languages and Literatures, has edited a special issue of Humanities 2016, 5(4), 86: "Transcultural Literary Studies: Politics, Theory, and Literary Analysis."

The special issue of Humanities offers discussions of cross-disciplinary tenets of transculturalism as well as readings that showcase literature’s potential for engaging many of the overlapping and, at times, contradictory aspects of transcultural paradigms. Highlighting transcultural interpretations (beyond multi- or cross-cultural readings and in critical tension with conceptualizations of national or sub-national cultures) is, by no small measure, a political decision that is often prompted and guided by a search for commonalities as a basis for the design of universal human rights, international law, transnational administrative structures, and global education.

Read the full special issue introduction.