Future Germanists visit campus

October 25, 2017

Future Germanists visit campus

GSE group at Ohio State 2017

Last week, the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures hosted the DAAD-sponsored “Graduate School Experience” to introduce promising undergraduates to graduate education in German Studies. The DAAD and the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures covered all of the costs for participants.  

Twenty students, from Maine to Texas, travelled to Ohio State to participate in sessions exploring diverse facets of German Studies including seminars on ecocriticism, Marx, medieval manuscripts, applied linguistics, Stefan Zweig, and Goethezeit media studies. In addition to attending panels on career opportunities, how to apply to graduate school, and what to look for in graduate programs, the students enjoyed lunches and dinners with current graduate students and faculty as well as a trip to the Columbus Symphony.  

Beyond learning about the M.A. and Ph.D. in German Studies, the participants built a network of friends and future Germanists across the country.

GSE group at Ohio State 2017