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Mueller Defends Her Dissertation

September 2, 2020

Mueller Defends Her Dissertation

Carolin Mueller Ohio State 2020

Hearty congratulations to Caro for successfully defending on the 20th of August!

Carolin Mueller’s dissertation, From Musical Activism to Musical Citizenship: Dresden’s Banda Internationale, examines musical activism by Dresden’s musician collective Banda Internationale that opposes the recent resurgence of anti-immigrant and neo-fascist attitudes and policies in the city of Dresden, Germany. She shows how engaging structurally and thematically with issues of migration through music, the band explores the manner in which people constitute themselves as claimants of rights in Dresden, where belonging and political participation are at stake.

Advisor: Prof. John Davidson
Co-Advisor: Prof. Dorothy Noyes
Committee Member: Prof. Johanna Sellman
And a special thank you to Prof. Kalpana Ghoshal