A salute to our 2014 departmental award winners

April 30, 2014

A salute to our 2014 departmental award winners

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The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures proudly salutes the student recipients of its annual awards.

In a somewhat rare turn of events that speaks to the excellence of both students, Yuchen Lin and Ivo Ivanoff each received the Dieter Cunz Award for the outstanding undergraduate student in GLL. Kristin Hill won the Undergraduate Research Paper Award for an finely crafted cycle of essays on German authors writing about Latin America. The Graduate Research Paper Award went to Marcus Breyer, whose essay, "Die Freiheit, sich keinen Begriff zu machen: Zur Verflechtung von Sprache, Sinnlichkeit und Ökologie bei Hofmannsthal ind Waterhouse" impressed the awards committee with its erudite mixture of literary analysis, eco-criticism, and critical engagement with conceptual thinking.  Erin Bischop was recognized by the Yiddish and Ashkenazic Studies Program for extraordinary accomplishments in YASP. Damon Berry was recognized for his extraordinary service to the department. And, finally, Marcus Breyer, Sylvia Fischer, Simon Lösch, and Alice Schlingman jointly won the Graduate Student Service Award.  

Congratulations to our winners. We feel fortunate to have had them as GLL students.