

GSE group at Ohio State 2017

Future Germanists visit campus

Last week, the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures hosted the DAAD-sponsored “Graduate School Experience” to introduce promising undergraduates to graduate education in German Studies…

Wrobel at SLRF 2017

SLA researchers from around the world present at SLRF 2017

The 2017 SLRF Conference was held at Ohio State in October. The four plenary speakers gave excellent talks. Dr. Brian MacWhinney (Carnegie Mellon) delivered a lecture entitled "Multidimensional…

Prof. Meierhofer U of Bonn

New Graduate Faculty Exchange

The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at Ohio State and the Department of German Studies/Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Bonn have established a new…

Richetti defends

Our Graduate Students

Our graduate students have been very productive this past year. Harrison Baldwin, Allyn Heath, Bryan Knowlton, Birte Pietsch, Stephanie Walford, and Gina Wrobel all passed their master’s exams…

A piece of Dresden. Foto: Mueller

Geschichten aus Europa

This summer, Ohio State students are learning German in the city of Dresden. The topic of their course is "Geschichten aus Europa" and you can take a look at the course homepage through this link…

S. Kotadia - 2017 winner of the first Undergraduate Essay Prize in German Studies at Ohio State.

Nationwide UG Essay Prize in German Studies Winner

We are delighted to announce the winner of the first nationwide Undergraduate Essay Prize in German Studies at Ohio State. From a wealth of excellent submissions, reflecting on the…

Prof Paul Reitter Ohio State

Reitter Awarded Berlin Prize

Paul Reitter, professor of German, and director of the Humanities Institute, is one of 21 scholars, writers and artists awarded a coveted 2017-18 Berlin Prize — a semester-long fellowship —…

Marcus Breyer 2017

Congratulations Dr. Breyer!

Marcus Breyer has successfully defended his dissertation, Meerstimmigkeiten: Metapher und Modernekritik bei Eduard von Keyserling.

Marcus began his graduate studies at Ohio State in 2011,…

Hirschvogel Besuch 2017

Hirschvogel Field Trip

On April 12, students in our German for the Professions class (German 4602) visited Hirschvogel, Inc., the only American subsidiary of Hirschvogel Automotive Group. This company is among the world…