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This summer, Ohio State students are learning German in the city of Dresden. The topic of their course is "Geschichten aus Europa" and you can take a look at the course homepage through this link…

We are delighted to announce the winner of the first nationwide Undergraduate Essay Prize in German Studies at Ohio State. From a wealth of excellent submissions, reflecting on the…

Paul Reitter, professor of German, and director of the Humanities Institute, is one of 21 scholars, writers and artists awarded a coveted 2017-18 Berlin Prize — a semester-long fellowship —…

Marcus Breyer has successfully defended his dissertation, Meerstimmigkeiten: Metapher und Modernekritik bei Eduard von Keyserling.

Marcus began his graduate studies at Ohio State in 2011,…

On April 12, students in our German for the Professions class (German 4602) visited Hirschvogel, Inc., the only American subsidiary of Hirschvogel Automotive Group. This company is among the world…

We proudly salute the student recipients of the department's annual awards.

Ann Imke received two prizes this year, the Dieter Cunz Award for Outstanding Graduating Senior in German and the…

Scholars of German from across the Midwest gathered to present and discuss their latest research as well as to renew old connections and past associations on April 7th and 8th. The diverse and…

The Department is grateful to learn of the Robert F. Gagel/Margo Cox Endowment Fund, established in November 2016 with gifts from Robert F. Gagel, MD (BA/MD 1971). The fund will provide a…

The Felice M. Grad Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in April 2016 by the Board of Trustees of The Ohio State University with a gift from the estate of Ms. Felice Marcus Grad.
