Welcome to the album pages of alumni who studied and earned degrees in the Department of German at The Ohio State University from the 1960-1970's.
We hope you might have a photo or two you would like to have included in our Alumni Album. If so, please email the photo(s) in jpeg format to our Academic Program Coordinator. Include a description, date, and the name of the photographer.
Do you remember the old German House on 15th? If you have memories to share, we'd love to hear about them!

The first group of residents in the Ohio State German House!
(photo courtesy of Ms. Janet Gibson)

Thanksgiving 1973

Thanksgiving 1974

Fasching at the German House in 1975

Deborah Hunsberger
PhD 1983
Dissertation: Aspects of the Fantastic in Selected Tales of Ludwig Tieck’s Der Phantasus
Advisor: Prof. Vitt
Professor of German, Bethel College, Kansas
She also plays the French Horn beautifully.

Maureen T. Krause (1947 - 2010)
MA 1970, PhD 1980
Dissertation: An Analysis of E.T.A. Hoffmann’s Double Novel Lebensansichten des Katers Murr nebst fragmentarischer Biographie des Kapellmeisters Johannes Kreisler in zufälligen Makulaturblättern. Herausgegeben von E.T.A. Hoffmann
Advisor: Prof. Vitt
Maureen Krause was a native of Chicago. At Ohio State, she formed an acclaimed musical ensemble specializing in medieval music and played with original instruments that performed regularly on public radio and in other venues. In her spare time, she played the balalaika. With PhD in hand, Dr. Krause began a distinguished career teaching English and German in Germany, Russia, and the United States. She joined Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Indiana as an Assistant Professor in the autumn of 1981, achieving tenure in 3 short years!

Ann Boelkins
MA 1979
Teacher, Guidance Counselor, Registrar at Timothy Christian Schools

Kathleen Bunten
PhD 1978
Dissertation: Isolation and Solidarity in the Early Works of Anna Seghers
Advisor: Prof. Hoffmann
Writer, Editor, Translator from German to English

Ken Wilcox
MA 1972, PhD 1977
Dissertation: Grace and Dignity: The Dialectic of Human Perfection in the Works of Schiller
Advisor: Prof. Wittkowski
Chairman of Silicon Valley Bank

Ulrich Goebel
PhD 1972
Dissertation: Index verborum to the Corpus Der Altdeutschen Originalurkunden-Vol. I
Advisor: Prof. Fleischhauer
Professor Emeritus of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures
Texas Tech University
Professor Goebel continues his work on the Frühneuhochdeutsche Wörterbuch, a project that he and Professor Oskar Reichmann (Heidelberg, Germany) started in 1974 and is published by Walter de Gruyter in Berlin. This project is now housed at the Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen where six lexicographers are working to complete the final volumes. Ten volumes, bound and in fascicle form, have been published to date, and it is the hope of the editors to publish the final volumes within the foreseeable future. An online version is also now available at www:fwb-online.de

LaVern J. Rippley (1935-2022)
PhD 1966
Dissertation: Landscape Imagery in the Lyrics of Johann Christian Günther
Advisor: Prof. Hugo Bekker
Professor of German, St. Olaf College