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On October 22, faculty and graduate students from across the state came together in the Blackwell Conference Center on the Ohio State main campus to present, listen, and ask questions about…

The latest issue of New German Critique, co-edited by Heather Sullivan (Trinity University) and Bernhard Malkmus (Ohio State University), facilitates a dialogue between various disciplines in the…

This autumn, the Department is delighted to welcome our new graduate students.

Our two students from the Technische Universität Dresden, Theresa Bauer and Georg Langner, both hold Bachelor'…

Our graduate students have had great success on their master's exams this year.

Katharina Aigner and Seth Warncke, who passed their assessments in May, are both pursuing further educational…





The blog of the 2016 Dresden Summer Language program is live and the first excursion to Meissen is available for you to enjoy here: http://…

Bernd Fischer’s latest book, Ein anderer Blick: Saul Aschers politische Schriften, was recently published in Böhlau Wien.

This first monograph on Saul Ascher (1767-1822), a Berliner from…

We proudly salute the student recipients of the department's annual awards.

Danielle Meyer received the Dieter Cunz Award for the outstanding undergraduate student in GLL. Danielle will…

After a brief hiatus, German Day is returning on Monday, April 11th!

The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures is delighted to welcome 89 students from Dublin-Jerome High School…

Congratulations to Samantha and Maxwell, two outstanding undergraduate students who will be participating in GLL’s Summer Language Program in Dresden and have been awarded this year’s two Jutta…