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An exhibit at the World Gallery in Hagerty Hall will be up until January 8, 2018. “Here I Stand: Life and Work of the German Reformer Martin Luther,” marks the 500th anniversary of the beginning…

Simon Lösch has successfully defended his dissertation, An Obsolete Hegemon? America’s Function in the Imagination of a (Re-)unified German Nation.

Simon began his doctoral studies at Ohio…

From November 10-12, Budimka Uskokovic attended the annual TA workshop, named Fertigkeitentraining – ohne Lehrbuch, hosted by the Goethe Institute Chicago and funded by the German Exchange…

Dagmar Herzog, Distinguished Professor of History and Daniel Rose Faculty Scholar at the Graduate Center, City University of New York, delivered the Carolyn Engel Luebeck Lecture entitled On…

Haley Grubb has been tagged as a ‘Future German Teacher,’ and we are thrilled at hearing the news! On National Teach German Day (October 4th), her high school German teacher, Mrs. Kelly Jessup,…

Last week, the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures hosted the DAAD-sponsored “Graduate School Experience” to introduce promising undergraduates to graduate education in German Studies…

The 2017 SLRF Conference was held at Ohio State in October. The four plenary speakers gave excellent talks. Dr. Brian MacWhinney (Carnegie Mellon) delivered a lecture entitled "Multidimensional…

The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at Ohio State and the Department of German Studies/Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Bonn have established a new…

Our graduate students have been very productive this past year. Harrison Baldwin, Allyn Heath, Bryan Knowlton, Birte Pietsch, Stephanie Walford, and Gina Wrobel all passed their master’s exams…