Creative Contest - Umwelten: The World Through your Lens!

Umwelten: The World through your Lens!

Creative Contest

April 22, 2025, 1:30-3pm – Hagerty Hall Gallery & Courtyard

Are you ready to explore the world from a fresh perspective?


To celebrate Earth Day 2025 (April 22), The Umwelt Center for Germanic Studies and Environmental Humanities and the Sustainability Institute are sponsoring a creative contest for undergraduates. 



How do you understand Umwelt — the unique world each organism perceives and experiences?


Jakob von Uexküll (1864-1944) posited that every living creature inhabits a world of its own—its Umwelt (literally, surrounding world). To a great extent, this world is determined by that creature’s species: its physiology, its behaviour, and its environment.  But this world always takes shape through individual experience. Today, we can understand and translate Umwelt in three ways:


  • as the environmental factors that affect the behavior and life of an animal or individual
  • as an organism's unique sensory experience of the world
  • or,  as environment, broadly speaking


How do you see the world?   or

How do you imagine that other creatures experience it?


Use your creative imagination to step into the shoes of a different organism, interpret your surroundings from new angles, or give an account of what your Umwelt is.


What We're Looking For:
Creative projects that explore the idea of Umwelt, including (but not limited to!)

  • Visual art (illustrations, paintings, digital designs, photos)
  • Short films or animations
  • Sculptures or installations
  • Written works (poetry, short stories, essays)
  • Interactive experiences or digital media
  • Music, sound, or performance art


How to participate:

  • Write a short project plan (150-250 words) that describes the project, identifies its medium and size, and notes any technology requests for presenting it (e.g. screen, speakers).  
  • Send your project plan to by April 12.
  • Be prepared to realize your vision for display on April 22!



Four projects will win $150 prizes! 

(Two audience prizes and two jury prizes)